#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Aqueous radiolysis
:download:`examples/aqueous_radiolysis.py` is an example of a rather large
system of reactions.
$ python analytic_diffusion.py --help
.. exec::
echo "::\\n\\n"
python examples/examples/aqueous_radiolysis.py --help | sed "s/^/ /"
Here is an example generated by:
$ python analytic_diffusion.py --doserate 25 --plot \
--savefig analytic_diffusion.png
.. image:: ../_generated/aqueous_radiolysis.png
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division,
print_function, unicode_literals)
# stdlib imports
import json
import os
from math import log, exp, log10
# external imports
import argh
import numpy as np
# project internal imports
from chemreac import ReactionDiffusion
from chemreac.integrate import run
from chemreac.serialization import load
from chemreac.units import (
kilogram, decimetre, gray, second, molar, second, get_derived_unit,
to_unitless, metre
from chemreac.util.grid import generate_grid
from chemreac.util.plotting import plot_C_vs_t_in_bin, save_and_or_show_plot
[docs]def integrate_rd(t0=1e-7, tend=.1, x0=1e-9, xend=0.1,
doserate=15, N=1000, nt=512, nstencil=3,
logy=False, logt=False, logx=False, name='aqueous_radiolysis',
num_jacobian=False, savefig='None', verbose=False,
plot=False, plot_jacobians=False):
Integrates the reaction system defined by
:download:`aqueous_radiolysis.json <examples/aqueous_radiolysis.json>`
null_conc = 1e-24
mu = 50.0*metre**-1 # linear attenuation
x = generate_grid(x0, xend, N, logx)
_cb = (lambda arg: np.exp(arg)) if logx else (lambda arg: arg)
lin_xcenters = _cb(x[:-1]+np.diff(x)/2)*metre
doserate *= gray / second
doseratefield = doserate*np.exp(-mu*lin_xcenters)
rho = 1.0*kilogram*decimetre**-3 # kg/dm3
rd = load(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), name+'.json'),
ReactionDiffusion, N=N, logy=logy,
logt=logt, logx=logx, fields=[doseratefield*rho,
y0_by_name = json.load(open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
name+'.y0.json'), 'rt'))
# y0 with a H2 gradient
y0 = np.array([[y0_by_name.get(k, null_conc) if k != 'H2' else
1e-3/(i+2) for k in rd.substance_names]
for i in range(rd.N)])*molar
tout = np.logspace(log10(t0), log10(tend), nt+1)*second
integr = run(rd, y0, tout, with_jacobian=(not num_jacobian))
if verbose:
from pprint import pprint
if plot:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
time_unit = second
conc_unit = molar
bt_fmtstr = ("C(t) in bin {{0:.2g}}-{{1:.2g}} "
"with local doserate {}")
ax = plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
rd, to_unitless(tout, time_unit),
to_unitless(integr.Cout, conc_unit),
0, ax, substances=('H2', 'H2O2'),
ylabel="C / "+str(conc_unit))
ax = plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
rd, to_unitless(tout, time_unit),
to_unitless(integr.Cout, conc_unit),
N-1, ax, substances=('H2', 'H2O2'),
ylabel="C / "+str(conc_unit))
if plot_jacobians:
from chemreac.util.plotting import coloured_spy
from chemreac.util.banded import get_dense
import glob
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
d = {}
absmax = 0.0
for fname in sorted(glob.glob('jac_*.dat')):
B = np.fromfile(fname)
absmax = max(absmax, np.max(np.abs(B)))
d[fname] = B
for fname, B in d.items():
h = 3*rd.n+1
assert B.size % h == 0
B = B.reshape(h, B.size/h, order='F')
coloured_spy(B[rd.n:, :], log=1)
D = get_dense(B, rd.n, N, padded=True)
coloured_spy(D, log=-1, symmetric_colorbar=absmax)
print(fname, np.average(B[2*rd.n, :]) /
np.average(B[3*rd.n, :-rd.n]))
print(fname, np.average(B[2*rd.n, :])/np.average(B[rd.n, rd.n:]))
if __name__ == '__main__':