Automatic electric field computation¶
examples/ demonstrates how drift can be added self-consistently by calculating the electric field generated from the concentration profile of charged species.
$ python --help
usage: [-h] [-D D] [--t0 T0] [--tend TEND] [--x0 X0]
[--xend XEND] [-N N] [-b BASE] [-o OFFSET]
[--mobility MOBILITY] [--nt NT] [-g GEOM] [--logt]
[--logy] [--logx] [--random] [--nstencil NSTENCIL]
[--lrefl] [--rrefl] [--num-jacobian] [--method METHOD]
[-p] [--savefig SAVEFIG] [-a ATOL] [--rtol RTOL]
[--random-seed RANDOM_SEED] [--surf-chg SURF_CHG]
[--sigma-q SIGMA_Q] [--sigma-skew SIGMA_SKEW] [-v]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-D D, --D D 0.0
--t0 T0 0.0
--tend TEND 7.0
--x0 X0 0.1
--xend XEND 1.0
-N N, --N N 1024
-b BASE, --base BASE 0.5
-o OFFSET, --offset OFFSET
--mobility MOBILITY 0.3
--nt NT 25
-g GEOM, --geom GEOM 'f'
--logt False
--logy False
--logx False
--random False
--nstencil NSTENCIL 3
--lrefl False
--rrefl False
--num-jacobian False
--method METHOD 'bdf'
-p, --plot False
--savefig SAVEFIG 'None'
-a ATOL, --atol ATOL 1e-06
--rtol RTOL 1e-06
--random-seed RANDOM_SEED
--surf-chg SURF_CHG (0.0, 0.0)
--sigma-q SIGMA_Q 101
--sigma-skew SIGMA_SKEW
-v, --verbose False
Here is an example generated by:
$ python --plot --savefig auto_efield.png

- auto_efield.integrate_rd(D=0.0, t0=0.0, tend=7.0, x0=0.1, xend=1.0, N=1024, base=0.5, offset=0.25, mobility=0.3, nt=25, geom='f', logt=False, logy=False, logx=False, random=False, nstencil=3, lrefl=False, rrefl=False, num_jacobian=False, method='bdf', plot=False, savefig='None', atol=1e-06, rtol=1e-06, random_seed=42, surf_chg=(0.0, 0.0), sigma_q=101, sigma_skew=0.5, verbose=False)[source]¶