Source code for auto_efield

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Automatic electric field computation

:download:`examples/` demonstrates how
drift can be added self-consistently by calculating the
electric field generated from the concentration profile
of charged species.


 $ python --help

.. exec::
   echo "::\\n\\n"
   python examples/examples/ --help | sed "s/^/   /"

Here is an example generated by:


 $ python --plot --savefig auto_efield.png

.. image:: ../_generated/auto_efield.png


from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import

from math import log, erf, exp

import argh
import numpy as np

from chemreac import (
from chemreac.integrate import run
from chemreac.util.plotting import save_and_or_show_plot

[docs]def sigm(x, lim=150., n=8): # Algebraic sigmoid to avoid overflow/underflow of 'double exp(double)' return x/((x/lim)**n+1)**(1./n)
sq2 = 2**0.5 pi = np.pi sqpi = pi**0.5
[docs]def gaussian(x, mu, sigma, logy, logx, geom): # Formula for normalization from derived in following mathematica code: # $Assumptions = {(sigma | mu) \[Element] Reals, sigma > 0} # 1/Integrate[E^(-1/2*((x - mu)/sigma)^2), {x, -Infinity, Infinity}] # 1/Integrate[2*pi*x*E^(-1/2*((x - mu)/sigma)^2), {x, 0, Infinity}] # 1/Integrate[4*pi*x^2*E^(-1/2*((x - mu)/sigma)^2), {x, 0, Infinity}] if geom == FLAT: a = 1/sigma/(2*np.pi)**0.5 elif geom == CYLINDRICAL: a = 1/pi/sigma/(2*exp(-mu**2/2/sigma**2)*sigma + mu*sq2*sqpi*(1 + erf(mu/(sq2*sigma)))) elif geom == SPHERICAL: a = 1/2/pi/sigma/(2*exp(-mu**2/2/sigma**2)*mu*sigma + sq2*sqpi*(mu**2 + sigma**2)*(1 + erf(mu/sq2/sigma))) else: raise RuntimeError() b = -0.5*((x-mu)/sigma)**2 if logy: return log(a) + b else: return a*np.exp(b)
[docs]def pair_of_gaussians(x, offsets, sigma, logy, logx, geom): try: sigma0, sigma1 = sigma[0], sigma[1] except: sigma0 = sigma1 = sigma x = np.exp(x) if logx else x xspan = (x[-1] - x[0]) xl = x[0] + offsets[0]*xspan # lower xu = x[0] + offsets[1]*xspan # upper return ( gaussian(x, xl, sigma0, logy, logx, geom), gaussian(x, xu, sigma1, logy, logx, geom) )
[docs]def integrate_rd(D=0., t0=0.0, tend=7., x0=0.1, xend=1.0, N=1024, base=0.5, offset=0.25, mobility=3e-1, nt=25, geom='f', logt=False, logy=False, logx=False, random=False, nstencil=3, lrefl=False, rrefl=False, num_jacobian=False, method='bdf', plot=False, savefig='None', atol=1e-6, rtol=1e-6, random_seed=42, surf_chg=(0.0, 0.0), sigma_q=101, sigma_skew=0.5, verbose=False): assert 0 <= base and base <= 1 assert 0 <= offset and offset <= 1 if random_seed: np.random.seed(random_seed) n = 2 geom = {'f': FLAT, 'c': CYLINDRICAL, 's': SPHERICAL}[geom] # Setup the grid _x0 = log(x0) if logx else x0 _xend = log(xend) if logx else xend x = np.linspace(_x0, _xend, N+1) if random: x += (np.random.random(N+1)-0.5)*(_xend-_x0)/(N+2) # Setup the system stoich_active = [] stoich_prod = [] k = [] rd = ReactionDiffusion( n, stoich_active, stoich_prod, k, N, D=[D, D], z_chg=[1, -1], mobility=[mobility, -mobility], x=x, geom=geom, logy=logy, logt=logt, logx=logx, nstencil=nstencil, lrefl=lrefl, rrefl=rrefl, auto_efield=True, surf_chg=surf_chg, eps_rel=80.10, # water at 20 deg C faraday=1.0, vacuum_permittivity=1.0 ) # Initial conditions sigma = (xend-x0)/sigma_q sigma = [(1-sigma_skew)*sigma, sigma_skew*sigma] y0 = np.vstack(pair_of_gaussians( rd.xcenters, [base+offset, base-offset], sigma, logy, logx, geom)).transpose() if logy: y0 = sigm(y0) if plot: # Plot initial E-field import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure(figsize=(6, 10)) rd.calc_efield((np.exp(y0) if logy else y0).flatten()) plt.subplot(4, 1, 3) plt.plot(rd.xcenters, rd.efield, label="E at t=t0") plt.plot(rd.xcenters, rd.xcenters*0, label="0") # Run the integration tout = np.linspace(t0, tend, nt) integr = run(rd, y0, tout, atol=atol, rtol=rtol, sigm_damp=True, C0_is_log=logy, with_jacobian=(not num_jacobian), method=method) Cout = integr.Cout if verbose: print( # Plot results if plot: def _plot(y, ttl=None, **kwargs): plt.plot(rd.xcenters, y, **kwargs) plt.xlabel(('log({})' if logx else '{}').format('x / m')) plt.ylabel('C / M') if ttl: plt.title(ttl) for i in range(nt): plt.subplot(4, 1, 1) c = 1-tout[i]/tend c = (1.0-c, .5-c/2, .5-c/2) _plot(Cout[i, :, 0], 'Simulation (N={})'.format(rd.N), c=c, label='$z_A=1$' if i == nt-1 else None) _plot(Cout[i, :, 1], c=c[::-1], label='$z_B=-1$' if i == nt-1 else None) plt.legend() plt.subplot(4, 1, 2) delta_y = Cout[i, :, 0] - Cout[i, :, 1] _plot(delta_y, 'Diff'.format(rd.N), c=[c[2], c[0], c[1]], label='A-B (positive excess)' if i == nt-1 else None) plt.legend(loc='best') plt.xlabel("$x~/~m$") plt.ylabel(r'Concentration / M') ylim = plt.gca().get_ylim() if N < 100: plt.vlines(rd.x, ylim[0], ylim[1], linewidth=1.0, alpha=0.2, colors='gray') plt.subplot(4, 1, 3) plt.plot(rd.xcenters, rd.efield, label="E at t=tend") plt.xlabel("$x~/~m$") plt.ylabel("$E~/~V\cdot m^{-1}$") plt.legend() for i in range(3): plt.subplot(4, 1, i+1) ylim = plt.gca().get_ylim() for d in (-1, 1): center_loc = [x0+(base+d*offset)*(xend-x0)]*2 plt.plot(np.log(center_loc) if logx else center_loc, ylim, '--k') plt.subplot(4, 1, 4) for i in range(n): amount = [rd.integrated_conc(Cout[j, :, i]) for j in range(nt)] plt.plot(tout, amount, c=c[::(1, -1)[i]], label=chr(ord('A')+i)) plt.xlabel('Time / s') plt.ylabel('Amount / mol') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.tight_layout() save_and_or_show_plot(savefig=savefig) return tout, Cout,, rd
if __name__ == '__main__': argh.dispatch_command(integrate_rd, output_file=None)