# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module collects convenience functions to create matplotlib plots
of results.
from math import floor, ceil
import numpy as np
from chemreac.util.analysis import solver_linear_error_from_integration
from chemreac.util.banded import get_jac_row_from_banded
from chemreac.util.pyutil import set_dict_defaults_inplace
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def _init_axes(ax=None):
if ax is None:
ax = plt.axes()
if not hasattr(ax, 'plot'):
ax = plt.axes(**ax)
return ax
[docs]def save_and_or_show_plot(show=None, savefig='None'):
Convenience method for either showing or saving current matplotlib
show: bool or None
Show plot, when None only show when savefig is not used
default: None
savefig: string
path to output file of figure. If extension is html, mpld3
will be used to generate a d3 backed html output.
if savefig is not None and savefig != 'None':
if savefig.endswith('.html'):
# Export using mpld3
import mpld3
open(savefig, 'wt').write(mpld3.fig_to_html(plt.gcf()))
if show is None:
show = False
if show is None:
show = True
if show:
[docs]def coloured_spy(A, cmap_name='coolwarm', log=False,
symmetric_colorbar=False, **kwargs):
Convenience function for using matplotlib to
generate a spy plot for inspecting e.g. a jacobian
matrix or its LU decomposition.
A: 2D array
Array to inspect, populated e.g. by jacobian callback.
cmap_name: string (default: coolwarm)
name of matplotlib colormap to use, kwargs["cmap"] overrides this.
log: bool or int (default: False)
if True:
SymLogNorm if np.any(A<0) else LogNorm
if isinstance(log, int):
note: "norm" in kwargs overrides this.
symmetric_colorbar: bool or float
to make divergent colormaps pass through zero as intended.
if float: max abolute value of colormap (linear)
Pair (tuple) of axes plotted to (spy, colorbar)
.. note:: colorbar does not play nicely with \
SymLogNorm why a custom colorbar axes is drawn.
from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator
from matplotlib.cm import get_cmap
from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm, SymLogNorm
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid import make_axes_locatable
A = np.asarray(A)
if 'cmap' not in kwargs:
kwargs['cmap'] = get_cmap(cmap_name)
ax_imshow = plt.subplot(111)
if log is not False and 'norm' not in kwargs:
if (isinstance(symmetric_colorbar, (float, int)) and
symmetric_colorbar is not False):
Amin = -symmetric_colorbar
Amax = symmetric_colorbar
Amin = np.min(A[np.where(A != 0)])
Amax = np.max(A[np.where(A != 0)])
if symmetric_colorbar is True:
Amin = -max(-Amin, Amax)
Amax = -Amin
if log is True:
if np.any(A < 0):
log = int(np.round(np.log10(Amax) - 13))
minlog = int(floor(np.log10(Amin)))
maxlog = int(ceil(np.log10(Amax)))
tick_locations = [10**x for x in range(minlog, maxlog+1)]
kwargs['norm'] = LogNorm()
elif isinstance(log, int):
tick_locations = []
if Amin < 0:
minlog = int(ceil(np.log10(-Amin)))
tick_locations.extend([-(10**x) for x in range(
minlog, log-1, -1)])
minlog = int(floor(np.log10(Amin)))
tick_locations.extend([10**x for x in range(minlog, log+1)])
if Amax < 0:
pass # Ticks already reach 0
maxlog = int(ceil(np.log10(Amax)))
tick_locations.extend([10**x for x in range(log, maxlog+1)])
kwargs['norm'] = SymLogNorm(10**log)
raise TypeError("log kwarg not understood: {}".format(log))
tick_locations = np.linspace(np.min(A), np.max(A), 10)
ax_imshow.imshow(A, interpolation='none', **kwargs)
ya = ax_imshow.get_yaxis()
xa = ax_imshow.get_xaxis()
divider = make_axes_locatable(ax_imshow)
ax_colorbar = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05)
def colorbar(ticks=None, norm=None, log10threshy=None):
if isinstance(norm, (LogNorm, SymLogNorm)):
levels = np.concatenate([
np.linspace(ticks[i], ticks[i+1], 9, endpoint=False) for i
in range(len(ticks)-1)
levels = ticks
xc = [np.zeros_like(levels), np.ones_like(levels)]
yc = [levels, levels]
ax_colorbar.contourf(xc, yc, yc, levels=levels, norm=norm,
if isinstance(norm, LogNorm):
elif isinstance(norm, SymLogNorm):
ax_colorbar.set_yscale('symlog', linthreshy=10**log)
colorbar(ticks=tick_locations, norm=kwargs.get('norm', None))
return ax_imshow, ax_colorbar
def _get_jac_row_over_t(rd, tout, yout, indices, bi=0):
# Note that you really need yout - not Cout
Jout = np.zeros((rd.n*2+1, rd.n*rd.N), order='F')
row_out = np.zeros((yout.shape[0], len(indices), rd.n))
for i, y in enumerate(yout):
rd.banded_packed_jac_cmaj(tout[i], y.flatten(), Jout)
Jtmp = Jout[:, bi*rd.n:(bi + 1)*rd.n]
row_out[i, :, :] = get_jac_row_from_banded(Jtmp, indices, rd.n)
return row_out
def _get_per_rxn_out(rd, tout, yout, specie_indices):
# Note that you really need yout - not Cout
out = np.empty((yout.shape[0], len(specie_indices), rd.nr))
for ti, y in enumerate(yout):
flat_y = y.flatten()
for j, si in enumerate(specie_indices):
rd.per_rxn_contrib_to_fi(tout[ti], flat_y, si, out[ti, j, :])
return out
# It is bad practice to have global state in module, refactor this:
DEFAULT = dict(
ls=['-', ':', '--', '-.'],
def _plot_analysis(cb, labels, rd, tout, yout, indices, axes=None,
titles=None, lintreshy=1e-10, logx=True,
legend_kwargs=None, ls=None, c=None):
cb: callback
callback with signature (rd, tout, yout, indices) returning
3-dimensional array with shape (tout.size, len(axes), len(labels))
labels: sequence of strings
labels of individual plots
rd: ReactionDiffusion instance
tout: 1-dimensional array of floats
yout: solver output
indices: 4th argument for callback
axes: sequence of matplotlib Axes instances
(default: len(indices) number of subplot axes)
titles: titles per axis
lintreshy: float
symlog option 'linthreshy' (default: 1e-10)
logx: set x scale to 'log'
legend_kwargs: dict
dict of kwargs to pass to matplotlib legend function
(default: {'loc': None, 'prop': {'size': 11}}), set
to False to suppress legend.
ls: sequence of strings
c: sequence of strings
legend_kwargs = legend_kwargs or {}
dict(loc=None, prop={'size': 11}))
if axes is None:
axes = [plt.subplot(len(indices), 1, i+1) for i in range(
assert len(axes) == len(indices)
ls = ls or DEFAULT['ls']
c = c or DEFAULT['c']
row_out = cb(rd, tout, yout, indices)
for i, ax in enumerate(axes):
ax.set_yscale('symlog', linthreshy=lintreshy)
if logx:
istl = 0 # style counter
for j, lbl in enumerate(labels):
if np.all(np.abs(row_out[:, i, j]) < lintreshy):
print("skipping: ", lbl)
ax.plot(tout, row_out[:, i, j], label=lbl, c=c[istl % len(c)],
ls=ls[istl % len(ls)])
istl += 1
if legend_kwargs is not False:
if titles:
ax.set_xlabel("t / s")
return axes
[docs]def plot_jacobian(rd, tout, yout, substances, **kwargs):
Plots time evolution of Jacobian values (useful when investigating
numerical instabilities).
rd: ReactionDiffusion
system at hand
tout: array_like
output time from integration
yout: array_like
output data from integration (differs from Cout for logy=True)
substances: iterable of int or string
indices or names of substances to plot jacobian values for
indices = [si if isinstance(si, int) else rd.substance_names.index(si) for
si in substances]
print_names = rd.substance_tex_names or rd.substance_names
axes = _plot_analysis(_get_jac_row_over_t, print_names, rd, tout, yout,
indices, titles=[
print_names[i] for i in indices], **kwargs)
for ax in axes:
"$\\frac{\\partial r_{tot}}{\partial C_i}~/~s^{-1}$")
return axes
def plot_jacobian_from_integration(integr, substances, **kwargs):
a = integr.rd.units
return plot_jacobian(integr.rd, ) # TODO: finish this
[docs]def plot_per_reaction_contribution(integr, substances, equilibria=None,
field_yields=False, **kwargs):
Plots contributions to concentration derivatives of selected
substances from individual reactions.
integr: Integration instance
substances: sequence of Substance instances
equilibria: set of tuples of reaction indices (optional)
When passed only net effect of equilibria reaction will be plotted
field_yields: bool (default: False)
If ``True`` contributions from g_values times field will be shown
**kwargs: kwargs passed on to _plot_analysis
list of matplotlib.axes.Axes instances
rd = integr.rd
if rd.N != 1:
# should be quite straight forward to implement
raise NotImplementedError
indices = [ri if isinstance(ri, int) else rd.substance_names.index(ri)
for ri in substances]
if rd.substance_tex_names is not None:
print_names = rd.substance_tex_names
use_tex = True
print_names = rd.substance_names
use_tex = False
if field_yields:
# Let's use negative reaction indices for each field -1: 0, -2: 1
rxn_indices = range(-len(rd.fields), 0)
rxn_indices = []
if equilibria is not None:
equilibria_participants = []
for rxnidxs in equilibria:
for ri in range(rd.nr):
if ri not in equilibria_participants:
rxn_indices += range(rd.nr)
labels = []
for rxns in rxn_indices:
if isinstance(rxns, int):
if rxns >= 0:
labels.append('R' + str(rxns) + ': ' +
dict(zip(rd.substance_names, print_names)),
# Field production!
fi = -rxns - 1
if rd.g_value_parents[fi] == -1:
# No parents
parent = ''
parent = (print_names[rd.g_value_parents[fi]] +
'$\\rightsquigarrow$' if use_tex else ' ~~~> ')
labels.append('G_' + str(fi) + ': ' + parent + ', '.join(
[print_names[si] for si in range(rd.n) if
rd.g_values[fi][si] != 0]))
labels.append('R(' + ', '.join(map(str, rxns)) + '): ' +
dict(zip(rd.substance_names, print_names)),
def cb(rd_, tout_, yout_, specie_indices_):
bi = 0 # bin index, N=1 only implemented for now
per_rxn = _get_per_rxn_out(rd_, tout_, yout_, specie_indices_)
out = np.zeros((yout_.shape[0], len(specie_indices_),
for i, rxns in enumerate(rxn_indices):
if isinstance(rxns, int):
if rxns >= 0:
out[:, :, i] = per_rxn[:, :, rxns]
fi = -rxns - 1
for sii, si in enumerate(specie_indices_):
out[:, sii, i] = rd.g_values[fi][si]*rd.fields[fi][bi]
for rxn_idx in rxns:
out[:, :, i] += per_rxn[:, :, rxn_idx]
return out
axes = _plot_analysis(cb, labels, rd, integr.tout, integr.yout, indices,
titles=[print_names[i] for i in indices], **kwargs)
for ax in axes:
ax.set_ylabel(r"Reaction rate / $M\cdot s^{-1}$")
return axes
def _init_ax_substances_labels(rd, ax, substances, labels, xscale, yscale):
# helper func..
ax = ax or plt.subplot(1, 1, 1)
if substances is None:
substance_idxs = range(rd.n)
substance_idxs = [
s if isinstance(s, int) else rd.substance_names.index(s) for
s in substances]
if labels is None:
names = rd.substance_tex_names or rd.substance_names
except AttributeError:
names = list(map(str, substance_idxs))
labels = [names[i] for i in substance_idxs]
assert len(labels) == len(substance_idxs)
return ax, substance_idxs, labels
[docs]def plot_C_vs_t_in_bin(
rd, tout, Cout, bi=0, ax=None, labels=None,
xscale='log', yscale='log', substances=None,
ttlfmt=(r"C(t) in bin: {0:.2g} m $\langle$" +
r" x $\langle$ {1:.2g} m"), legend_kwargs=None,
ls=None, c=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None):
Plots bin local concentration as function of time for selected
rd: ReactionDiffusion
tout: 1D array of floats
Cout: concentration trajectories from solver
bi: bin index
ax: Axes instance
labels: sequence of strings
xscale: matplotlib scale choice (e.g. 'log', 'symlog')
yscale: matplotlib scale choice (e.g. 'log', 'symlog')
substances: sequence of indies or names of substances
ttlfmt: string formatted with bin boundaries (set to empty to suppress)
legend_kwargs: dict
kwargs passed to matplotlib legend function,
(default: {'loc': None, 'prop': {'size': 11}}), set
to False to suppress legend.
ls: sequence of strings
c: sequence of strings
Axes instance
legend_kwargs = legend_kwargs or {}
dict(loc='best', prop={'size': 11}))
ls = ls or DEFAULT['ls']
c = c or DEFAULT['c']
ax, substances, labels = _init_ax_substances_labels(
rd, ax, substances, labels, xscale, yscale)
for i, lbl in zip(substances, labels):
ax.plot(tout, Cout[:, bi, i], label=lbl,
ls=ls[i % len(ls)], c=c[i % len(c)])
ax.set_xlabel(xlabel or "t / " + str(tout.dimensionality.latex))
ax.set_ylabel(ylabel or "C / " + str(Cout.dimensionality.latex))
except AttributeError:
if ttlfmt:
ax.set_title(ttlfmt.format(rd.x[bi], rd.x[bi+1]))
if legend_kwargs is not False:
return ax
[docs]def plot_C_vs_x(rd, tout, Cout, substances, ti, ax=None, labels=None,
xscale='log', yscale='log', basetitle="C(x)"):
Plots concentration as function of x for selected
substances at time index 'ti'.
rd: ReactionDiffusion
tout: 1D array of floats
Cout: concentration trajectories from solver
substances: sequence of indies or names of substances
ti: int
time index
ax: Axes instance
labels: sequence of strings
xscale: matplotlib scale choice (e.g. 'log', 'symlog')
yscale: matplotlib scale choice (e.g. 'log', 'symlog')
basetitle: string
Axes instance
ax, substances, labels = _init_ax_substances_labels(
rd, ax, substances, labels, xscale, yscale)
x_edges = np.repeat(rd.x, 2)[1:-1]
for i, lbl in zip(substances, labels):
y_edges = np.repeat(Cout[ti, :, i], 2)
ax.plot(x_edges, y_edges, label=lbl)
ax.set_xlabel("x / m")
ax.set_ylabel("C / M")
ax.set_title(basetitle+" at t = {0:.3g} s".format(tout[ti]))
ax.legend(loc='best', prop={'size': 11})
return ax
[docs]def plot_C_vs_t_and_x(rd, tout, Cout, substance, ax=None, log10=False,
Plots 3D surface of concentration as function of time and x for a
selected substance.
rd: ReactionDiffusion
tout: 1D array of floats
Cout: concentration trajectories from solver
substance: int or string
index or name of substance
ax: Axes instance
log10: bool
Use log logarithmic (base 10) axis
passed onto plot_surface
Axes3D instance
# it would be nice to accpet kwargs
# xscale='log', yscale='log', zscale='log'
# but it's currently not supported by matplotlib:
# http://matplotlib.1069221.n5.nabble.com/
# plot-surface-fails-with-log-axes-td10206.html
substance = (substance if isinstance(substance, int) else
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from matplotlib import cm
ax = ax or plt.subplot(1, 1, 1, projection='3d')
assert isinstance(ax, Axes3D)
xtC = [rd.xcenters, tout, Cout]
x_, t_, C_ = list(map(np.log10, xtC)) if log10 else xtC
X, T = np.meshgrid(x_, t_)
if 'cmap' not in plot_kwargs:
plot_kwargs['cmap'] = cm.copper
ax.plot_surface(X, T, C_[:, :, substance],
fmtstr = "$log_{{10}}$({})" if log10 else "{}"
ax.set_xlabel(fmtstr.format('x / m'))
ax.set_ylabel(fmtstr.format('time / s'))
ax.set_zlabel(fmtstr.format('C / M'))
if rd.substance_names:
if rd.substance_tex_names:
name = rd.substance_tex_names[substance]
name = rd.substance_names[substance]
ax.set_title('['+name+'] vs. t and x')
return ax
[docs]def plot_fields(rd, ax=None, indices=None, rho=None):
Convenience function to inspect fields in of
ReactionDiffusion instance
rd: ReactionDiffusion
ax: Axes instance or dict
if ax is a dict it is used as keyword arguments passed to
matplotlib.pyplot.axes (default: None)
indices: sequence of integers
what field strengths sequences to plot
rho: float (optional)
density, with consistent unit. If passed doserate
will be plotted instead.
ax = _init_axes(ax)
indices = indices or range(len(rd.fields))
factors = np.array(rd.fields)
if rho is not None:
factors = factors/rho
x_edges = np.repeat(rd.x, 2)[1:]
for i in indices:
y_edges = np.pad(np.repeat(factors[i, :], 2), (0, 1), 'constant')
ax.plot(x_edges, y_edges, label=i)
return ax
[docs]def plot_solver_linear_error(
integration, Cref=0, ax=None, x=None, ti=slice(None), bi=0, si=0,
plot_kwargs=None, fill_between_kwargs=None, scale_err=1.0, fill=True,
integration: chemreac.integrate.Integration
result from integration.
Cref: array or float
analytic solution to compare with
ax: Axes instance or dict
if ax is a dict it is used as key word arguments passed to
matplotlib.pyplot.axes (default: None)
x: array
(optional) x-values, when None it is deduced to be
either t or x (when ti or bi are slices repecitvely)
(default: None)
ti: slice
time indices
bi: slice
bin indices
si: integer
specie index
plot_kwargs: dict
keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot.plot (default: None)
fill_between_kwargs: dict
keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot.fill_between
(default: None)
scale_err: float
value with which errors are scaled. (default: 1.0)
fill: bool
whether or not to fill error span
common keyword arguments of plot_kwargs and fill_between_kwargs,
e.g. 'color', (default: None).
See Also
ax = _init_axes(ax)
Cerr = integration.Cout - Cref
if x is None:
if isinstance(ti, slice):
x = integration.tout[ti]
elif isinstance(bi, slice):
x = integration.rd.xcenters[bi]
raise NotImplementedError("Failed to deduce x-axis.")
plot_kwargs = plot_kwargs or {}
set_dict_defaults_inplace(plot_kwargs, kwargs)
plt.plot(np.asarray(x), np.asarray(scale_err*Cerr[ti, bi, si]),
if fill:
le_l, le_u = solver_linear_error_from_integration(
integration, ti=ti, bi=bi, si=si)
Cerr_u = le_u - Cref[ti, bi, si]
Cerr_l = le_l - Cref[ti, bi, si]
fill_between_kwargs = fill_between_kwargs or {}
set_dict_defaults_inplace(fill_between_kwargs, {'alpha': 0.2}, kwargs)
np.asarray(scale_err*Cerr_u), **fill_between_kwargs)
return ax
[docs]def plot_solver_linear_excess_error(integration, Cref, ax=None, x=None,
ti=slice(None), bi=0, si=0, **kwargs):
Plots the excess error commited by the intergrator, divided by the span
of the tolerances (atol + rtol*|y_i|).
integration: chemreac.integrate.Integration
result from integration.
Cref: array or float
analytic solution to compare with
ax: Axes instance or dict
if ax is a dict it is used as \*\*kwargs passed to
matplotlib.pyplot.axes (default: None)
x: array
(optional) x-values, when None it is deduced to be
either t or x (when ti or bi are slices repecitvely)
(default: None)
ti: slice
time indices
bi: slice
bin indices
si: integer
specie index
plot_kwargs: dict
keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot.plot (default: None)
fill_between_kwargs: dict
keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot.fill_between
(default: None)
scale_err: float
value with which errors are scaled. (default: 1.0)
fill: bool
whether or not to fill error span
common keyword arguments of plot_kwargs and fill_between_kwargs,
e.g. 'color', (default: None).
See Also
if x is None:
if isinstance(ti, slice):
x = integration.tout[ti]
elif isinstance(bi, slice):
x = integration.rd.xcenters[bi]
raise NotImplementedError("Failed to deduce x-axis.")
ax = _init_axes(ax)
le_l, le_u = solver_linear_error_from_integration(integration, ti, bi, si)
Eexcess_l = Cref[ti, bi, si] - le_l # Excessive if negative
Eexcess_u = Cref[ti, bi, si] - le_u # Excessive if positive
Eexcess_l[np.argwhere(Eexcess_l >= 0)] = integration.with_units(
0, 'concentration')
Eexcess_u[np.argwhere(Eexcess_u <= 0)] = integration.with_units(
0, 'concentration')
fused = np.concatenate((Eexcess_l[..., np.newaxis],
Eexcess_u[..., np.newaxis]), axis=-1)
indices = np.argmax(abs(fused), axis=-1)
Eexcess = fused[np.indices(indices.shape), indices][0, ...]
le_span = le_u - le_l
return ax