Source code for const_surf_conc

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Diffusion from constant concentration surface

:download:`examples/` models a diffusion process
and reports the error from the model integration by comparison to the
analytic solution (intial concentrations are taken from Green's
function expressions for respective geometry).


 $ python --help

.. exec::
   echo "::\\n\\n"
   python examples/examples/ --help | sed "s/^/   /"

Here is an example generated by:


 $ python --plot --savefig const_surf_conc.png

.. image:: ../_generated/const_surf_conc.png

Solving the transformed system (:math:`\\frac{d}{dt} \\ln(c(\\ln(x), t))`):


 $ python --plot --N 1024 --verbose --nstencil 3\
 --scaling 1e-20 --logx --logy --factor 1e12 --x0 1e-6\
 --atol 1e-8 --rtol 1e-8 --savefig const_surf_conc_logy_logx.png

.. image:: ../_generated/const_surf_conc_logy_logx.png


from __future__ import (absolute_import, division,
                        print_function, unicode_literals)
from future.builtins import *

from collections import defaultdict
from math import log

import argh
import numpy as np

from chemreac import ReactionDiffusion
from chemreac.integrate import run
from chemreac.util.grid import generate_grid
from chemreac.util.plotting import save_and_or_show_plot
from chemreac.util.testing import spat_ave_rmsd_vs_time

[docs]def analytic(x, t, D, x0, xend, logx=False, c_s=1): r""" Evaluates the analytic expression for the concentration in a medium with a constant source term at x=0: .. math :: c(x, t) = c_s \mathrm{erfc}\left( \frac{x}{2\sqrt{Dt}}\right) where :math:`c_s` is the constant surface concentration. """ import scipy.special if t.ndim == 1: t = t.reshape((t.size, 1)) x = np.exp(x) if logx else x return c_s * scipy.special.erfc(x/(2*(D*t)**0.5))
[docs]def integrate_rd(D=2e-3, t0=1., tend=13., x0=1e-10, xend=1.0, N=64, nt=42, logt=False, logy=False, logx=False, random=False, k=1.0, nstencil=3, linterpol=False, rinterpol=False, num_jacobian=False, method='bdf', plot=False, atol=1e-6, rtol=1e-6, factor=1e5, random_seed=42, savefig='None', verbose=False, scaling=1.0): """ Solves the time evolution of diffusion from a constant source term. Optionally plots the results. In the plots time is represented by color scaling from black (:math:`t_0`) to red (:math:`t_{end}`) """ if t0 == 0.0: raise ValueError("t0==0 => Dirac delta function C0 profile.") if random_seed: np.random.seed(random_seed) tout = np.linspace(t0, tend, nt) units = defaultdict(lambda: 1) units['amount'] = 1.0/scaling # Setup the grid x = generate_grid(x0, xend, N, logx, random=random) modulation = [1 if (i == 0) else 0 for i in range(N)] rd = ReactionDiffusion( 2, [[0], [1]], [[1], [0]], [k, factor*k], N, D=[0, D], x=x, logy=logy, logt=logt, logx=logx, nstencil=nstencil, lrefl=not linterpol, rrefl=not rinterpol, modulated_rxns=[0, 1], modulation=[modulation, modulation], units=units, faraday=1, vacuum_permittivity=1 ) # Calc initial conditions / analytic reference values Cref = analytic(rd.xcenters, tout, D, x0, xend, logx).reshape( nt, N, 1) source = np.zeros_like(Cref[0, ...]) source[0, :] = factor y0 = np.concatenate((source, Cref[0, ...]), axis=1) # Run the integration integr = run(rd, y0, tout, atol=atol, rtol=rtol, with_jacobian=(not num_jacobian), method=method) Cout, info = integr.Cout, print("integr.Cout[0, :, 1] = ", integr.Cout[0, :, 1]) print("integr.yout[0, :, 1] = ", integr.yout[0, :, 1]) spat_ave_rmsd_over_atol = spat_ave_rmsd_vs_time( Cout[:, :, 1], Cref[:, :, 0]) / atol tot_ave_rmsd_over_atol = np.average(spat_ave_rmsd_over_atol) if plot: # Plot results import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure(figsize=(6, 10)) def _plot(y, c, ttl=None, apply_exp_on_y=False, vlines=False, smooth=True): if vlines: plt.vlines(rd.x, 0, np.ones_like(rd.x)*max(y), linewidth=1, colors='gray') if smooth: plt.plot(rd.xcenters, np.exp(y) if apply_exp_on_y else y, c=c) else: for i, _y in enumerate(np.exp(y) if apply_exp_on_y else y): plt.plot([rd.x[i], rd.x[i+1]], [_y, _y], c=c) plt.xlabel('x / m') plt.ylabel('C / M') if ttl: plt.title(ttl) for i in range(nt): kwargs = dict(smooth=(N >= 20), vlines=(i == 0 and N < 20)) c = 1-tout[i]/tend c = (1.0-c, .5-c/2, .5-c/2) plt.subplot(5, 1, 1) _plot(Cout[i, :, 1], c, 'Simulation (N={})'.format(rd.N), **kwargs) plt.subplot(5, 1, 2) _plot(Cref[i, :, 0], c, 'Analytic', **kwargs) plt.subplot(5, 1, 3) _plot((Cout[i, :, 1]-Cref[i, :, 0])/atol, c, "Abs. err. / abs. tol. (atol={0:<.3g})".format(atol), **kwargs) plt.subplot(5, 1, 4) ttl = "Abs. err. / (abs. tol. + rtol*|Cref|)" _plot((Cout[i, :, 1]-Cref[i, :, 0])/(atol + np.abs( rtol*Cref[i, :, 0])), c, ttl, **kwargs) plt.subplot(5, 1, 5) plt.plot(integr.tout, spat_ave_rmsd_over_atol) plt.plot([integr.tout[0], integr.tout[-1]], [tot_ave_rmsd_over_atol]*2, '--') plt.title("RMSD / atol") plt.tight_layout() save_and_or_show_plot(savefig=savefig) if verbose: print(info) return tout, Cout, info, rd, tot_ave_rmsd_over_atol
if __name__ == '__main__': argh.dispatch_command(integrate_rd, output_file=None)