Source code for decay

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Two coupled decays

:download:`examples/` demonstrates accuracy
by comparison with analytic solution for a simple system
of two coupled decays


 $ python --help

.. exec::
   echo "::\\n\\n"
   python examples/examples/ --help | sed "s/^/   /"

Here is an example generated by:


 $ python --plot --savefig decay.png

.. image:: ../_generated/decay.png


from __future__ import (absolute_import, division,
                        print_function, unicode_literals)
from future.builtins import *

import argh
import numpy as np

from chemreac import ReactionDiffusion
from chemreac.integrate import run
from chemreac.util.analysis import solver_linear_error
from chemreac.util.plotting import save_and_or_show_plot

Motivation for sigmoid damped exp(); vary tend: 5, 700, 1700.
Never mind 700 not being correctly represented, the problem
is 1700 completely ruining the integration (NaN's due to overflow).

 $ python --plot --rates 1.0 --logy --logt --rtol 1e-13 --atol 1e-6 \
      --scale-err 100.0 --plotlogy --nt 1024 --tend 1700

analytic = {
    0: lambda y0, k, t: (
        y0[0] * np.exp(-k[0]*t)),
    1: lambda y0, k, t: (
        y0[1] * np.exp(-k[1] * t) + y0[0] * k[0] / (k[1] - k[0]) *
        (np.exp(-k[0]*t) - np.exp(-k[1]*t))),
    2: lambda y0, k, t: (
        y0[2] * np.exp(-k[2] * t) + y0[1] * k[1] / (k[2] - k[1]) *
        (np.exp(-k[1]*t) - np.exp(-k[2]*t)) +
        k[1] * k[0] * y0[0] / (k[1] - k[0]) *
        (1 / (k[2] - k[0]) * (np.exp(-k[0]*t) - np.exp(-k[2]*t)) -
         1 / (k[2] - k[1]) * (np.exp(-k[1]*t) - np.exp(-k[2]*t))))

[docs]def get_Cref(k, y0, tout): coeffs = k + [0]*(3-len(k)) return np.column_stack([ analytic[i](y0, coeffs, tout) for i in range( min(3, len(k)+1))])
[docs]def integrate_rd(tend=2.0, A0=1.0, nt=67, t0=0.0, rates='3.40715,4.0', logy=False, logt=False, plot=False, savefig='None', method='bdf', atol='1e-7,1e-6,1e-5', rtol='1e-6', num_jac=False, scale_err=1.0, small='None', plotlogy=False, plotlogt=False, verbose=False): """ Analytic solution through Bateman equation => ensure :math:`|k_i - k_j| \gg eps` """ k = list(map(float, rates.split(','))) n = len(k)+1 if n > 4: raise ValueError("Max 3 consequtive decays supported at the moment.") atol = list(map(float, atol.split(','))) if len(atol) == 1: atol = atol[0] rtol = float(rtol) rd = ReactionDiffusion( n, [[i] for i in range(n-1)], [[i] for i in range(1, n)], k, logy=logy, logt=logt) y0 = np.zeros(n) y0[0] = A0 if small == 'None': tiny = None else: tiny = 0 y0 += float(small) tout = np.linspace(t0, tend, nt) integr = run(rd, y0, tout, atol=atol, rtol=rtol, method=method, with_jacobian=not num_jac, sigm_damp=True, tiny=tiny) Cout, yout, info = integr.Cout, integr.yout, Cref = get_Cref(k, y0, tout - tout[0]).reshape((nt, 1, n)) if verbose: print('rate: ', k) print(info) if plot: nshow = min(n, 3) try: min_atol = min(info['atol']) except: min_atol = info['atol'] import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure(figsize=(6, 10)) c = 'rgb' for i, l in enumerate('ABC'[:nshow]): ax = plt.subplot(nshow+1, 1, 1) if plotlogy: ax.set_yscale('log') if plotlogt: ax.set_xscale('log') ax.plot(tout, Cout[:, 0, i], label=l, color=c[i]) ax = plt.subplot(nshow+1, 1, 2+i) if plotlogy: ax.set_yscale('symlog') # abs error might be < 0 if plotlogt: ax.set_xscale('log') ax.plot(tout, (Cout[:, 0, i]-Cref[:, 0, i])/min_atol, label=l, color=c[i]) try: atol = info['atol'][i] except: atol = info['atol'] try: rtol = info['rtol'][i] except: rtol = info['rtol'] le_l, le_u = solver_linear_error( yout[:, 0, i], rtol, atol, rd.logy, scale_err=scale_err) plt.fill_between(tout, (le_l - Cout[:, 0, i])/min_atol, (le_u - Cout[:, 0, i])/min_atol, color=c[i], alpha=0.2) # Print indices and values of violations of (scaled) error bounds def _print(violation): print(violation) print(le_l[violation], Cref[violation, 0, i], le_u[violation]) l_viols = np.where(le_l > Cref[:, 0, i])[0] u_viols = np.where(le_u < Cref[:, 0, i])[0] if verbose and (len(l_viols) > 0 or len(u_viols) > 0): print("Outside error bounds for rtol, atol:", rtol, atol) # for violation in chain(l_viols, u_viols): # _print(violation) plt.subplot(nshow+1, 1, 1) plt.title('Concentration vs. time') plt.legend(loc='best', prop={'size': 11}) plt.xlabel('t') plt.ylabel('[X]') for i in range(nshow): plt.subplot(nshow+1, 1, 2+i) plt.title('Absolute error in [{}](t) / min(atol)'.format('ABC'[i])) plt.legend(loc='best') plt.xlabel('t') plt.ylabel('|E[{0}]| / {1:7.0g}'.format('ABC'[i], min_atol)) plt.tight_layout() save_and_or_show_plot(savefig=savefig) return integr.yout, Cref, rd, info
if __name__ == '__main__': argh.dispatch_command(integrate_rd, output_file=None)