#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ::
# A -> B k1
# B -> C k2
# A + B -> B + C k3
# dA/dt = -k1*A - k3*A*B
# dB/dt = k1*A - k2*B
# dC/dt = k2*B + k3*A*B
Steady state approximation
:download:`examples/steady_state_approx.py` shows how you can estimate
errors commited when assuming steady state for simple systems. In this
essence it is quite different from the other examples where we have been
investigating the error of the numerical integration `vs.` an analytic
solution. Here we will do the reverse, we will assume that our result
from the numerical integration is correct (or rather: much more accurate)
compared to our approximately correct analytic expressions.
We will consider the following system:
.. math ::
A & &\rightarrow B & &~~~k_1 \\
& B &\rightarrow C & &~~~k_2 \\
A + &B &\rightarrow B &+ C &~~~k_3
.. math ::
\frac{dA}{dt} &= -k1 \cdot A & &- k3 \cdot A \cdot B \\
\frac{dB}{dt} &= +k1 \cdot A &- k2 \cdot B & \\
\frac{dC}{dt} &= &+ k2 \cdot B &+ k3 \cdot A \cdot B
The rate expressions are from mass action and hence
we are conserving mass:
.. math ::
A+B+C = A_0 + B_0 + C_0
sum of derivatives = 0 (already satisfied)
For initial concentrations of A much larger than B we have:
Steady state assumption for B (:math:`A_0 \gg B_0`):
.. math ::
B &= \frac{k_1 A}{k_2} \\
\frac{dA}{dt} &= -k_1\left(A + \frac{k_3}{k_2}A^2 \right) \\
\log{A} - \log{\left( \frac{k_3}{k_2}A + 1 \right)} &= -k_1t +
\left(\log{A_0} - \log{\left( \frac{k_3}{k_2}A_0 + 1\right)}\right) \\
\frac{A}{\frac{k_3}{k_2}A + 1} &= f(t)
.. math ::
f(t) = \frac{A_0}{\frac{k_3}{k_2}A_0 + 1}e^{-k_1 t}
we get
.. math ::
A(1 - f(t) \cdot \frac{k_3}{k_2}) &= f(t) \\
A &= \frac{f(t)}{1 - f(t)\frac{k_3}{k_2}} [*] \\
A &= \frac{1}{\frac{1}{f(t)} - \frac{k_3}{k_2}} \\
A &= \frac{1}{\frac{\frac{k_3}{k_2}A_0 + 1}{A_0}e^{k_1 t} -
\frac{k_3}{k_2}} \\
where we note:
.. math ::
[*] ~~ if \frac{k_3}{k_2} << 1: \\
A = f(t)
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division,
print_function, unicode_literals)
from future.builtins import *
import argh
import numpy as np
from chemreac import ReactionDiffusion
from chemreac.integrate import run
from chemreac.util.plotting import plot_C_vs_t_in_bin, save_and_or_show_plot
[docs]def integrate_rd(tend=1.0, k1=7e-1, k2=3e2, k3=7.0,
A0=1.0, B0=0.0, C0=0.0, nt=512,
plot=False, savefig='None'):
Runs integration and (optionally) generates plots.
$ python steady_state_approx.py --plot --savefig steady_state_approx.png
.. image:: ../_generated/steady_state_approx.png
$ python steady_state_approx.py --plot --savefig \
def f(t):
return A0/(k3/k2*A0 + 1)*np.exp(-k1*t)
y = [A0, B0, C0]
k = [k1, k2, k3]
rd = ReactionDiffusion(
3, [[0], [1], [0, 1]], [[1], [2], [1, 2]], k)
t = np.linspace(0, tend, nt)
integr = run(rd, y, t)
A_ssB = 1/(1/f(t) - k3/k2)
A_ssB_2fast = f(t)
if plot:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.figure(figsize=(6, 10))
ax = plt.subplot(3, 1, 1)
plot_C_vs_t_in_bin(rd, t, integr.Cout, ax=ax)
plt.subplot(3, 1, 2)
plt.plot(t, integr.Cout[:, 0, 0] - A_ssB,
label="Abs. err. in A assuming steady state of B")
plt.legend(loc='best', prop={'size': 11})
plt.subplot(3, 1, 3)
plt.plot(t, integr.Cout[:, 0, 0] - A_ssB_2fast,
label="Abs. err. in A when also assuming k2 >> k3")
plt.legend(loc='best', prop={'size': 11})
def ydot(x, y):
return (-k1*y[0] - k3*y[0]*y[1], k1*y[0] - k2*y[1],
k2*y[1] + k3*y[0]*y[1])
return t, integr.Cout, A_ssB, A_ssB_2fast, ydot
if __name__ == '__main__':
argh.dispatch_command(integrate_rd, output_file=None)